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We are committed to providing our clients with effective, evidence-based tools to improve brain function. Lenica Research Group is actively seeking researchers to conduct independent studies on our tools. 

Research Articles:

Enhancing Cognitive Function Using Perceptual-Cognitive Training

Three-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) is a perceptual-cognitive training system based on a 3D virtual environment. This is the first study to examine the effects of 3D-MOT training on attention, working memory, and visual information processing speed as well as using functional brain imaging on a normative population. 

3D-Multiple Object Tracking training task improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players

The ability to perform a context-free 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task has been highly related to athletic performance.

Attentional enhancement during multiple-object tracking

What is the role of attention in multiple-object tracking? Does attention enhance target representations, suppress distractor representations, or both? It is difficult to ask this question in a purely behavioral paradigm without altering the very attentional allocation one is trying to measure.

Visual Learning in Multiple-Object Tracking

 Tracking moving objects in space is important for the maintenance of spatiotemporal continuity in everyday visual tasks. In the laboratory, this ability is tested using the Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) task, where participants track a subset of moving objects with attention over an extended period of time.

Perceptual-Cognitive Training of Athletes

This present article discusses an approach to training high-level athletes’ perceptual-cognitive skills.

Multiple-target tracking: A role for working memory?

In order to identify the cognitive processes associated with target tracking, a dual-task experiment was carried out in which participants undertook a dynamic multiple-object tracking task first alone and then again, concurrently with one of several secondary tasks, in order to investigate the cognitive processes involved.

Multiple-object tracking while driving: the multiple-vehicle tracking task

Many contend that driving an automobile involves multiple-object tracking. At this point, no one has tested this idea, and it is unclear how multiple-object tracking would coordinate with the other activities involved in driving.

Professional athletes have extraordinary skills for rapidly learning complex and neutral dynamic visual scenes

Evidence suggests that an athlete's sports-related perceptual-cognitive expertise is a crucial element of top-level competitive sports.

Attentive tracking of moving objects in real 3D space

Results of earlier multiple object tracking (MOT) studies imply that humans can track several moving targets in a 2D environment simultaneously. Recently, a study suggested that stereoscopic depth has positive effect on tracking multiple objects when the objects are presented separately on multiple planes.

Perceptual training yields rapid improvements in visually impaired youth

Visual function demands coordinated responses to information over a wide field of view, involving both central and peripheral vision. Visually impaired individuals often seem to underutilize peripheral vision, even in absence of obvious peripheral deficits. 

The relationship between visual attention and expertise in sports

Given the prevalence of misperception and failed perception, particularly in attention-demanding team sports, surprisingly few studies have explored whether experts in team sports differ from other athletes and from non-athletes in their basic attention abilities.

Chalking Up
Sports Performance
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