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Brain Health Articles
Working from Home Effectively
Thinking about transitioning from the office to working from home on any regular day requires many adjustments. In the middle of a global...
Energy: Boosting your Daily Vitality
Energy is essential to our ability to function every day. Each cell in our body contains an energy factory called the mitochondria, whose...
Pathway to Peak Brain Performance
Peak brain performance is achieved when an individual’s cognitive functions operate at optimal levels. The high-performance brain is...
Memory and the Brain
Memory is a complex, constantly evolving process of the brain, which forms a significant part of who we are as humans. Our memories tell...
The Power of Positivity on Health
Have you ever wondered if optimism impacts not only how you feel, but also your health and productivity? Positive thinking is something...
The Changing Brain - Neuroplasticity
Prior to the 1960s, it was firmly believed that the brain’s ability to change was only possible for a short period following birth and once
Cognitive Training in Sports
What is Cognitive Training? Cognitive training, also often referred to as ‘brain’ training, can be described as a program of targeted...
Physical Activity and Cognitive Function
We are all aware of the importance of physical activity in helping us to maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and...
Virtual Reality and Athletic Training
As technologies continue to advance, athletes continue to seek new ways to step up their performance and compete on the next level. There...
Cognitive Health Risks
Cognitive health refers to our ability to think, focus, learn and remember different things each and every day. These abilities help us...
Transform Your Cognitive Health
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